A show that lives up to its name, “The What The F*ck Variety Hour” takes the late night talk show format hostage, feeds it a wheelbarrow full of hallucinogens and then lets it loose on an unsuspecting audience every third Saturday night. Hosted by Leslie Barton, “The What The F*ck Variety Hour” mixes live music, vaudeville, fart jokes, improv and Johnny Carson together into an evening you won’t soon forget… even if you want to. Every month there’s something new: werewolf stand-up comics, dinosaur burlesque dancers, sleazy child pageants, New Jersey improv troupes, the ghost of Oscar Wilde, female leg-wrestling champions and so much more! And in a tip of the hat to local heroes “Wallace & Ladmo”, a very special WTF gift-bag is given away to one lucky viewer each episode! All of this madness brought to you by the host with the most warrants out for her arrest, Leslie Barton!
“The What The F*ck Variety Hour” is NOT a family friendly show (unless your family’s last name happens to be Sheen), so leave the little ones at home. And if you happen to be offended by foul language, wardrobe malfunctions and toilet humor, you should leave yourself at home. “The What The F*ck Variety Hour”: we guarantee that you’ll be saying “what the f*ck?!” when you see what we got happening onstage!